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Anxiety & Stress {IA}

1 h 30 min
From 810 South African rand
Online & In-Person

Service Description

What does anxiety feel like in the body? Some of the symptoms of anxiety which can be experienced are: Sweating, tension, feeling “on edge”, an increased heart rate, shallow breathing, shakiness, panic attacks (not always), tingling or numbness, nausea, flushes or chills and chest pains. A little bit of anxiety can have some positives like preparing us for something we need to accomplish and give us a bit of an edge when we need to be focused, however when it becomes out of control, as in Generalised Anxiety Disorder, where people are always anticipating disaster, worrying excessively about health, finances, family and work, this can affect their life in a very negative way. Sometimes even the thought of getting through another day provokes anxiety. There is often the inability to relax and often GAD is accompanied by insomnia or difficulty staying asleep. Depression often goes hand in hand with anxiety disorders and this needs to be treated separately too. PRICING: R900 per in-person session, or R810 per online session, paid at or prior to the first session. The initial session is 90 minutes, follow ups are between 45 and 60 minutes. 10% discount applies for online sessions.

Cancellation Policy

24 hours notice required for cancellations or postponements.

Contact Details

Auckland, New Zealand

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